Custom-made Stereo Effect blanket, size M, made of half-wool. buy in bulk at a bargain price with your company logo | business gifts

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Custom-made Stereo Effect blanket, size M, made of half-wool. RU3-543105

In Stock: 0 pc.
Остатки по запросу


338.98 Br

Ex Tax: 79.35€

Минимальный заказ
A blanket with a relief pattern in the corporate colors of your company. Model: a two-color blanket with a textured knit that makes it light and voluminous. By alternating different types of loops on a smooth fabric, you can knit any graphics - logo, text, trademark. It is better not to use small and intricate elements in the layout, as they will not be visible. Color: choose a color solution from the thread color chart (photo). For maximum stereo effect, we recommend using contrasting colors or colors that differ in tone. Allowable deviations from the linear dimensions may be up to 3% of the declared parameters (51554-99). When sending a request, specify the following data in the order form. The color of the product according to the current color chart. Desired deadline for receiving the circulation. Attach the original layout created in the constructor to the order. Stages of order production: 1. Before starting the order, you will agree on the circulation, deadlines, yarn availability, and send the original layout in vector format. 2. We start the order, convert the layout into a combination of colored loops, approve the pattern created in loops, and knit the circulation. 3. We accept the finished order at the warehouse, check, pack, and hand it over for delivery. From January 10 to September 30, you can order the production of a sample. The cost of the sample is 10,000 rubles.


Mark group
Not specified
Not specified
50% wool, 50% acrylic
Product color

Product dimensions

110x160 cm
Product Weight
Not specified

Transport packaging

Amount in a package
Not specified
Packing size
Not specified
Weight of packing
Not specified

Quantity in stock

Quantity in stock
Next delivery quantity

You will receive your order right on time at the specified address!

In Belarus - Free :)

In Russia:

  • When ordering up to 1000 EUR - delivery at your expense.
  • When ordering from 1000 EUR - as a gift:)

The minimum order for one item is 150EURO/500BYN/30,000 RUB. Exceptions are possible:) Prepayment 100%. The goods are imported just for you. We do not keep stock.

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