Paraffin wax for maintenance of boards and wood buy in bulk at a bargain price with your company logo | business gifts

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Paraffin wax for maintenance of boards and wood EU19-484309

In Stock: 0 pc.
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0.00 Br

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Special paraffin oil for the preservation of products made of wood-especially those that come into contact with food. The advantage of using paraffin oil over the use of edible oil or oil is its complete absence of smell.Paraffin oil protects against drying all products made of wood that are used in the kitchen - especially those that come into contact with water and detergents.It is perfect for the maintenance of wooden chopping boards, bowls, trays and wooden kitchen accessories. It can be used to secure products made from, among others, oak, beech, Acacia and walnut wood and all other types of wood used in modern kitchens.Regular, at least once every few weeks, lubrication of wood with paraffin oil protects the wood from absorption of water from the environment and subsequent drying. The oil should also be applied after each washing of the wood with detergents.preserved wood retains its natural color for a long time.In order to preserve the wood, a small amount (about 1 tablespoon on a medium-sized wooden chopping board) should be applied to a dry cloth and spread over the surface of the wood. Then leave the wood for a few hours, preferably overnight, and remove any oil that does not absorb after this time with a paper towel.


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  • When ordering up to 1000 EUR - delivery at your expense.
  • When ordering from 1000 EUR - as a gift:)

The minimum order for one item is 150EURO/500BYN/30,000 RUB. Exceptions are possible:) Prepayment 100%. The goods are imported just for you. We do not keep stock.

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