Carton buy in bulk at a bargain price with your company logo | business gifts

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We will deliver business gifts and merch from Europe in 15 days


г. Брест, ул. Советская 67-61 Республика Беларусь

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+7 915 648 85 09


+375 33 607 00 00

Сроки выполнения заказов:

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Carton EU11-126879

In Stock: 8810 pc.

По запросу

0.00 Br

Ex Tax: По запросу

Минимальный заказ
cardboard box for packaging of textile goods the smallest size is from three-layer cardboard, the others are from five-layer cardboard F0 = 305 x 215 x 120 mm, F1 = 395 x 295 x 135 mm, F2 = 385 x 285 x 210 mm, F3 = 385 x 285 x 290 mm, F4 = 585 x 385 x 280 mm, F5 = 585 x 385 x 330 mm, F6 = 585 x 385 x 380 mm, F7 = 585 x 385 x 430 mm, F8 = 585 x 385 x 480 mm, F9 = 585 x 385 x 530 mm sample pack = 2 pieces of each size you can buy only according to the package


Mark group
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified
Product color

Product dimensions

305 x 215 x 120 mm, 395 x 295 x 135 mm, 385 x 285 x 210 mm, 385 x 285 x 290 mm, 585 x 385 x 280 mm, 585 x 385 x 330 mm, 585 x 385 x 380 mm, 585 x 385 x 430 mm, 585 x 385 x 480 mm, 585 x 385 x 530 mm, Sample Pack
Product Weight
Not specified

Transport packaging

Amount in a package
Not specified
Packing size
Not specified
Weight of packing
Not specified

Quantity in stock

Quantity by color
305 x 215 x 120 мм: 2928; 395 x 295 x 135 мм: 0; 385 x 285 x 210 мм: 1296; 385 x 285 x 290 мм: 1242; 585 x 385 x 280 мм: 0; 585 x 385 x 330 мм: 1560; 585 x 385 x 380 мм: 30; 585 x 385 x 430 мм: 1050; 585 x 385 x 480 мм: 460; 585 x 385 x 530 мм: 240; Пробный набор: 4;
Quantity in stock
Next delivery quantity

You will receive your order right on time at the specified address!

In Belarus - Free :)

In Russia:

  • When ordering up to 1000 EUR - delivery at your expense.
  • When ordering from 1000 EUR - as a gift:)

The minimum order for one item is 150EURO/500BYN/30,000 RUB. Exceptions are possible:) Prepayment 100%. The goods are imported just for you. We do not keep stock.

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Поможем выбрать более чем из 160 000 товаров

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