NACRY shopping bag buy in bulk at a bargain price with your company logo | business gifts

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NACRY shopping bag RU1-111868

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31.10 Br

Ex Tax: 7.20€

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A bag from the past: a string bag - an eco trend in a new life The first mention of a string bag comes at the end of the 19th century. So, in 1898 A.P. Chekhov wrote to his wife a letter from Nice, where he mentioned this bag: “Did you receive a bag from a net? This is for vegetables. Here cooks go to the market with such ... ”Although it is generally believed that the string bag in the form in which we know it was created in the Czech Republic of the 20th century. Entrepreneur Vavrin Krchil decided to start producing women's hair nets, but the business did not bring the desired result. Therefore, Krchil, in order not to go broke, came up with a new use of the remaining materials in order to return at least a little investment. The entrepreneur fitted handles to the existing nets and began to position them as bags. In English, the string bag is called "string bag" or "fishnet bag", but in Russian it got its name from the word "maybe". In the Soviet Union, this bag was constantly carried with them due to the shortage, i.e. "At random" - suddenly you will be able to buy something. And just in the USSR at that time there was a peak of its popularity. In fashion, as in life, everything returns to normal. So after many years there was a renaissance of the string bag. Today, with a string bag, you can not only walk down the street or go to a store, but also simply complement your look. Wicker string bags have been repeatedly presented at fashion shows in the collections of world luxury brands, but also in well-known mass-market stores. In a compact string bag you can put not only groceries, but also books, magazines, a bottle for water, your favorite notebook, flowers and even another bag. Put a clutch or other small purse in it so you don't have to keep it in your hands all the time. Our NACRY string bag comes with a small storage bag. The bag can be printed with a logo and presented to partners. Stay fashionable by supporting the eco-friendly trend. Bags are packed in a plastic bag of 10 pcs.


Mark group
Silk-screen printing;
Product type
Not specified
100% cotton
Product color

Product dimensions

40x33 cm
Product Weight

Transport packaging

Amount in a package
Packing size
Not specified
Weight of packing

Quantity in stock

Quantity in stock
Next delivery quantity

You will receive your order right on time at the specified address!

In Belarus - Free :)

In Russia:

  • When ordering up to 1000 EUR - delivery at your expense.
  • When ordering from 1000 EUR - as a gift:)

The minimum order for one item is 150EURO/500BYN/30,000 RUB. Exceptions are possible:) Prepayment 100%. The goods are imported just for you. We do not keep stock.

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